51 Incorrect Pronunciations That You
Should Avoid
by Maeve Maddox
Fred Astaire drew laughs back in the Thirties with his song “Let’s Call the
Whole Thing Off” in which the lovers can’t agree on the pronunciation of words
like either, neither, and tomato.
On a personal level, I cringe when I
hear someone sound the “t” in often or pronounce pecan with
a short “a,” but I have to acknowledge that both these pronunciations are
widely accepted alternate pronunciations that can be justified by the spelling.
Alternate pronunciations, however,
are a different matter from out-and-out mispronunciations. The latter, no
matter how common, are incorrect, either because of the spelling that indicates
another pronunciation, or because of what is widely agreed upon to be
conventional usage. Word of caution: I’m writing from an American perspective.
Here are 50 frequently mispronounced
words. The list is by no means exhaustive, but provides a good start.
1. aegis – The ae in this
word is pronounced /ee/. Say EE-JIS/, not /ay-jis/. In mythology the “aegis” is
associated especially with the goddess Athene. It is her shield with the
Gorgon’s head on it.
2. anyway – The problem
with this word is not so much pronunciation as the addition of an unnecessary
sound. Don’t add an s to make it “anyways.” The word is ANYWAY.
3. archipelago – Because
the word is from Greek, the ch is pronounced with a /k/ sound. Say
/AR-KI-PEL-A-GO/, not /arch-i-pel-a-go/.
4. arctic – Note the C
after the R. Say /ARK-TIK/, not /ar-tik/.
5. accessory – the first C
has a “hard” sound. Say /AK-SESS-OR-Y/, not /ass-ess-or-y/.
6. ask – The S comes before
the K. Say /ASK/ not /aks/.
7. asterisk – Notice the
second S. Say /AS-TER-ISK/, not /as-ter-ik/.
8. athlete – The word has
two syllables, not three. Say /ATH-LETE/, not /ath-uh-lete/.
9. barbed wire- Notice the AR in
the first syllable. Say /BARBD/, not /bob/.
10. cache – The word is of
French origin, but it does not end with an accented syllable. A cache is a
hiding place or something that is being hidden: a cache of supplies; a cache of
money; a cache of drugs. Say /KASH/, not /ka-shay/.
11. candidate – Notice the
first d. Say /KAN-DI-DATE/, not /kan-i-date/.
12. cavalry – This word
refers to troops that fight on horseback. Say /KAV-UL-RY/, not /kal-vuh-ry/. NOTE: Calvary refers
the place where Jesus was crucified and IS pronounced /kal-vuh-ry/.)
13. chaos – The spelling ch
can represent three different sounds in English: /tch/ as in church, /k/ as in
Christmas, and /sh/ as in chef. The first sound is heard in words of English
origin and is the most common. The second sound of ch, /k/, is heard in words
of Greek origin. The third and least common of the three ch sounds is heard in
words adopted from modern French. Chaos is a Greek word. Say /KAY-OS/, not
14. clothes – Notice the TH
spelling and sound. Say /KLOTHZ/, not /kloz/.
15. daïs – A daïs is a
raised platform. The pronunciation fault is to reverse the vowel sounds. The
word is often misspelled as well as mispronounced. Say /DAY-IS/ not /dī-is/.
16. dilate – The word has
two syllables, not three. Say /DI-LATE/, not /di-a-late/.
17. drowned – This is the
past participle form of the verb drown. Notice that there is no D
on drown. Don’t add one when using the word in its past form. Say
/DROWND/, not /drown-ded/.
18. et cetera – This Latin
term is often mispronounced and its abbreviation is frequently misspelled. Say
/ET CET-ER-A/, not /ex cet-er-a/. For the abbreviation, write ETC., not ect.
19. February – Just about
everyone I know drops the first r in February. The spelling calls for
/FEB-ROO-AR-Y/, not /feb-u-ar-y/.
20. foliage – The word has
three syllables. Say /FO-LI-UJ/, not /fol-uj/.
21. forte – English has two
words spelled this way. One comes from Italian and the other from French. The
Italian word, a musical term meaning “loud,” is pronounced with two syllables:
/FOR-TAY/. The French word, an adjective meaning “strength” or “strong point,”
is pronounced with one syllable: /FORT/.
22. Halloween – The word
for the holiday Americans celebrate with such enthusiasm on October 31 derives
from “Hallowed Evening,” meaning “evening that has been made holy.” The word
“hallow” comes from Old English halig, meaning “holy.” Notice the a in the
first syllable and say /HAL-O-WEEN/, not /hol-lo-ween/.
23. height – The word ends
in a /T/ sound, not a /TH/ sound. Say /HITE/, not /hith/.
24. heinous – People
unfamiliar with the TV show Law and Order: S.V.U. may not know
that heinous has two syllables. (The show begins with this sentence: “In the
criminal justice system, sexually based offenses are considered especially
heinous.”) Say /HAY-NUS/, not /heen-i-us/.
25. hierarchy – The word
has four syllables. Say /HI -ER-AR-KY,/ not /hi-ar-ky/.
26. Illinois – As with Arkansas,
the final “s” in Illinois is not pronounced. Say /IL-I-NOY/ (and
/Ar-kan-saw/, not /il-li-noiz/ or /ar-kan-sas/). NOTE: Some
unknowledgeable folks may still be trying to pronounce Arkansas as
if it had something to do with Kansas. The pronunciation /ar-kan-zuz/ is waaay
off base.
27. interpret – The word
has three syllables. Don’t add one! Say /IN-TER-PRET/, not /in-ter-pre-tate/.
28. incident – Something
that happens is an “incident.” Don’t say “incidence” when you mean a specific
event. There IS a word “incidence,” but it has a different meaning.
29. “irregardless” – See
the real word, regardless.
30. jewelry – The word has
three syllables. Say /JEW-EL-RY/, not /jew-el-er-y/. The pronunciation
/jewl-ry/ is common but not correct, as it removes one syllable from the word.
31. library – Notice where
the R comes in the word. Say /LI-BRAR-Y/, not /li-ber-ry/.
32. medieval – The word has
four syllables. The first E may be pronounced either short [med] or long
[meed]. Say /MED-EE-EEVAL/ or /MEE-DEE-EEVAL/, not /meed-eval/.
33. miniature – The word
has four syllables. Say /MIN-I-A-TURE/, not /min-a-ture/.
34. Mischievous – This is
the adjective form of mischief whose meaning is “calamity” or
“harm.” Mischievous is now associated with harmless fun so that the expression
“malicious mischief” has been coined as another term for vandalism. Mischievous has
three syllables with the accent on the first syllable: /MIS-CHI-VUS/. Don’t say
35. niche – The word is
from the French and, though many words of French origin have been anglicized in
standard usage, this is one that cries out to retain a long “e” sound and a
/SH/ sound for the che. Say /NEESH/, not /nitch/.
36. orient – This word has
three syllables. As a verb it means to place something in its proper position
in relation to something else. It comes from a word meaning “east” and
originally meant positioning something in relation to the east. Now it is used
with a more general meaning. Say /OR-I-ENT/, not /or-i-en-tate/.
37. old-fashioned – This
adjective is formed from a past-participle: “fashioned.” Don’t leave off the
ED. Say /OLD-FASHIOND/, not /old-fashion/.
38. picture – There’s a K
sound in picture. Don’t confuse picture with pitcher. Say /PIK-TURE/, not
/pitch-er/. Pitcher is a different word. A pitcher is a serving vessel with a
39. precipitation – This is
a noun that refers to rain or snow, or anything else that normally falls from
the sky. As withprescription (below), the prefix is PRE-. Say /PRE-CIP-I-TA-TION/,
not /per-cip–i-ta-tion/.
40. prescription – Note the
prefix PRE- in this word. Say /PRE-SCRIP-TION/, not /per- scrip-tion/ or
41. preventive – The word
has three syllables. A common fault is to add a syllable. Say PRE-VEN-TIVE/,
not /pre-ven-ta-tive.
42. pronunciation – This
word is a noun. It comes from the verb pronounce, BUT it is not
pronounced like the verb. Say /PRO-NUN-CI-A-TION/, not /pro-nounce-i-a-tion/.
43. prostate – This word
for a male gland is often mispronounced. There is an adjective prostrate which
means to be stretched out facedown on the ground. When speaking of the gland,
however, say /PROS-TATE/, not /pros-trate/.
44. Realtor – The word has
three syllables. Say /RE-AL-TOR/, not /re-a-la-tor/.
45. regardless – The word
has three syllables. Please don’t add an IR to make it into the abomination “irregardless”.
46. sherbet – The word has
only one r in it. Say /SHER-BET/ not /sher-bert/.
47. spayed – This is a
one-syllable word, the past participle form of the verb to spay,
meaning to remove the ovaries from an animal. Like the verb drown (above)
the verb spay does not have a D in its infinitive form. Don’t
add one to the past participle. Say /SPADE/, not /spay-ded/.
48. ticklish – The word has
two syllables. Say /TIK-LISH/, not /tik-i-lish/.
49. tract – Religious
evangelists often hand out long printed statements of belief called “tracts.”
That’s one kind of “tract.” Houses are built on “tracts.” Then there’s the word
“track.” Athletes run on “tracks.” Animals leave “tracks.” Don’t say /TRAKT/
when you mean /TRAK/, and vice-versa.
50. vehicle – Although there
is an H in the word, to pronounce it is to sound hicky. Say /VEE-IKL/, not
51. wintry – Here’s another
weather word often mispronounced, even by the weather person. The word has two
syllables. Say /WIN-TRY/, not /win-ter-y/.